Today was a bee-hive of activity as residents started transforming concepts in creations. A number of residents explored the village old threshing floor as a site for a performance/video piece focusing on notions of time and our burdens and worries, with a strong feminist perspective. This work involves stones attached to a dancer’s hair via braids which are then dragged behind her. Back at the residency house, experiments were taking place involving, sound-triggered lighting, and improvisations involving prepared piano and vocals, both acoustic and processed. Meanwhile, residents focusing on movement were experimenting with the potentials that acrobatics and the use of dancers suspended in air offer for improvised dance performances. Elsewhere residents were exploring the land around the house, looking for sites for a range of projects that would be developed in the coming days. This was a day for residents to come together and explore the fusion of their distinct but complementary aesthetics in the production of projects that would be brought to fruition in the coming days.