DAY OF THE OLIVE :: The residency began this morning with a group going to the village Church service and filming/recording, and then doing the same afterwards in the village. It is the beginning of an important holiday, and it was a special service. Another group went in search of—well—an interesting sounding old olive tree. They spent a good part of the day listening to, and recording this aged tree. In the afternoon rehearsals took place for a video piece being filmed at the old village olive production factory, now slowly returning to nature, but still complete with equipment, industrial scales, and slowly rusting industrial ephemera. Our first hardship was encountered when one of our two vans decided that the track from the residency through the olive-grove and to the paved road was a bit too much for it, and it chose to scatter its own oil amongst the trees that produce a far fairer product! Assorted projects are taking more shape, with some folks writing code, designing patches, working with breadboards, sewing sensors into clothing, editing video, designing costumes, making up residents, and everything in between. A further project, not yet revealing, is taking shape on the roof of the residency, which affords one 360-degree views of the surrounding landscape. As good smells emanate from the kitchen, the residency is a hub of activity. This evening there will be a further meeting to discuss the emerging projects, a show-and-tell of bit and pieces of emerging technologies and art-works, and another electro-acoustic jam.