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Koumaria 2011 DAY 4

By October 4, 2011August 27th, 2024At the residency

After the wonders of the Italian kitchen last night, toda
John Richards took a break from soldering circuits and
hacking electronic instruments in order to inhabit the kitchen
for several hours and produce tonights meal

However, many hours before this point – and after numerous
early activities – the day took its shape from a meeting of all
the residents, where a quick once round the circle of people
gave everyone the chance to talk about the projects underway
and find further help and ideas from the others.>

The outcome of this joint session seems to mark a point where
numerous ideas and circles of creative energy are starting to
come together, and what will finally be seen and heard back
in Athens is starting to assume a broad structural form.

The evening developed into an extended and intensive
rehearsal, which unfortunately ended suddenly when artistic tensions
from outside the circle of musicians playing at that moment exploded
into life and shut down all activities. Breakfast tomorrow may well turn
out to be a turning point of sorts for the future mood and cooperative
structure within this house.

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